Part of a solid community

  • The members of the Association provide expertise in different areas of the employment industry;
  • Working groups on specific topics;
  • Best Practices Code in the field of personnel services;
  • Information and training programs in the field of personnel services;
  • Promoting personnel services among the public, social actors through information/ lobbying campaigns;
  • Part of a solid community;
  • Business opportunities;
  • Protection for your business.

Together we can change things

  • Become a voice that is heard;
  • Propose and generate the change in order to support the development and encourage flexible working forms;
  • Access to a dialogue platform with the regulatory and legislative bodies.

We are part of the World Employment Confederation

  • AFSRU is a member with full rights of the World Employment Confederation (https://wecglobal.org/)
  • This status allows its members to access the resources of a worldwide exposure and involvement body;
  • You join the elites in international human resources industry;
  • You are part of an international organization.
World Employment Confederation-Europe

Useful Resources